Today is your day — promise that you will be happy

Sher Shah Rahim
2 min readMay 15, 2018


Every morning you wake up, think as if it’s your only day to live and say to yourself:

  • Today I shall be refined in my speech and will utter neither evil speech nor obscenity. Also, I shall not backbite.
  • Today I shall organize my house and my office. They will not be disorderly and chaotic, but organized and neat.
  • Today I will be particular about my bodily cleanliness and appearance. I will be meticulous in my neatness and balanced in my walk, talk, and actions.
  • Today I will strive to be obedient to my Lord., pray in the best manner possible, do more voluntary acts of righteousness, recite the Quran, and read beneficial books. I will plant goodness in my heart and extract from it the roots of evil — such as pride, jealousy and hypocrisy.
  • Today I will try to help others — to visit the stick, to attend a funeral, to guide the one who is lost and to feed the hungry. I will stand side by side with the oppressed and the weak. I will pay respect to the scholar, be merciful to the young, and be reverent to the old.
  • O past that has departed and is gone, I will not cry over you. You will not see me remembering you, not even for a moment, because you have traveled away from me never to return.
  • O future, you are in the realm of the unseen, so I will not be obsessed by your dreams. I will not be preoccupied with what is to come because tomorrow is nothing and has not yet been created.

“Today is my only day” is one of the most important statement s in the dictionary of happiness, for those who desire to live life in its fullest splendor and brilliance.

From the book — Don’t be Sad “لا تحزن”



Sher Shah Rahim

I write from Afghanistan with love and passion. I am the President of IAP ( Co-founder of a Co-working space (CoWorthy ), & Jury at WSA (UN)